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  • Ken Kullack

Website Design: How To Build The Right Website For Your Business

Before we start, let's take a pop quiz: What makes a great website?

a) great visuals

b) easy navigation

c) goal-oriented

d) valuable content

e) SEO optimized

f) all of the above

I think you probably know the answer. It's F) all of the above. They are all important and necessary when creating a website that will address your business needs and deliver ROI.

To stay on track, it always helps me to ask the following questions during the website design phase:

  • Will it drive business goals, address challenges and grow business?

  • Does it provide useful information and functionality to visitors?

  • Is it easy to use and navigate for both desktop and mobile users?

  • Does it follow best SEO practices?

Now that we've established what goes into a great website, here are the key steps in creating one:

  1. Define what you want your website to do: sales, branding, leads, customer engagement, customer support.

  2. Determine whom you want to attract and understand their needs and motivations.

  3. Identify success metrics – forms completed, sales, calls, engagement, downloads.

  4. Design it with functionality and content in mind – attractive, navigable, useful information, mobile responsiveness.

  5. Make it search-friendly – fast load time, appropriate titles/descriptions, unique content.

  6. Test it – invite friends, family and clients to try the site and provide feedback.

  7. Readjust it – address concerns from testing phase to optimize the visitor experience.

  8. Refresh it - continuously add new content and evaluate functionality that is targeted to your visitor's needs.


To keep it simple, one needs to think of a website as an extension of their business. Does it complement what you do as a business? Does it help your customers engage with you? Does it help bring in new customers? If you follow the steps above, you will have a great starting point for a website tied closely to your business needs.

If you need to design (or re-design) a website and don't have the time or knowledge to do it yourself, we're here to help. Contact us here and we'll set up a quick, no-commitment consultation to determine how we can help you achieve your website goals.

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